showing 6 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Bloodborne  SCE Japan Studio (FromSoftware)2015 actionadventure actionrpg adv-intermediary amalgams antisavescumming attrbasedeq axes backtracking blood-motif bloodmagic bloodmoon bludgeons bodyhorror bossarenas bossbattles bossmeter breakmeter caninoids charactercreation chargedattack city coffins columnarjointing cosmichorrors cosmicism deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery difficulty-single dilapidated dissolvingcorpses dodging dogs doors dreamworld earlymodern-theme eldritchabominations elevators enemyhealthdisplay equipmentupgrades falldamage fallimpact fasttravel-points firearms firearms-early firstpartytitle furphysics genderchoice giantbirds gianthumanoids giantmonsters giantrats giantspiders glowingeyes gothic grapplers graybrown handandahalfweapons handguns healingitems humanfacedcreatures incendiarygrenades interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itempickup-stash jumping knockback knockdown ladders lamp loadless lovecraftian magic magneticshoulders mapdeficient meleeweapons metroidvania monsters morphingequipment mp-crossaddon multipleendings mutagen mutants noports npcenvironmentalvulnerability openpvp outbreak outlanderprotagonist phyreengine pinatacreatures platformexclusive polearms pressureplates protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face psychics pvpve quitsave ragdollphysics ravens restingreset save-opportunistic save-suspend seamlessworld selfluminance shopping shortcutopening shotguns siminsanity sizeispower socketables soulslike splatter staggering staining stamina stash statuseffects swords targetlock tentaclecreatures transformativecorruption tumbling tutorial unarmedfighting undefinedelements undefinedhealing upgradesystem uvl-workingtitle victorian walking weaponupgrades whips xp-kills xp-objects Introducing Bloodborne, the latest Action RPG from renowned Japanese developer FromSoftware, exclusively for the PlayStation®4 system. Face your fears as you search for answers in the ancient city of Yharnam, now cursed with a strange endemic illness spreading through the streets like wildfire. Danger, death and madness lurk around every corner of this dark and horrific world, and you must discover its darkest secrets in order to survive.

* A Terrifying New World: Journey to a horror-filled gothic city where deranged mobs and nightmarish creatures lurk around every corner.

* Strategic Action Combat: Armed with a unique arsenal of weaponry, including guns and saw cleavers, you'll need wits, strategy and reflexes to take down the agile and intelligent enemies that guard the city's dark secrets.

* A New Generation of Action RPG: Stunningly detailed gothic environments, atmospheric lighting, and advanced new online experiences showcase the power and prowess of the PlayStation(R)4 system.
Dying Light: The Following Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (Techland)2016 actionadventure bossarenas bossbattles driving maleprotagonist multipleendings openworld specialagentprotagonist labelimageminimize
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Activision;FromSoftware;方块游戏 (FromSoftware)2019 16thcentury actionadventure adv-intermediary backstabbing backtracking blocking bonusbosses bossarenas breakmeter cave cliff colossi cyborgprotagonist deathfakers difficulty-single dodging dragons elitemobs enemyhealthdisplay fantasticearth fasttravel feudaljapan fortress gianthumanoids giantinsects goldbags humanoids immortals invincibilityframes itemglow japan japanesemythology langbrazil-port langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langthai magic magicaltechnology mapdeficient minibosses monsters multipleendings neutralmonsters newgameplus ninja ninjaprotagonist nofailstate orphanprotagonist parrying potions premadeprotagonist recallportal restingreset save-opportunistic secondwind sengokuperiod shopping sizeispower soulslike statuseffects swimming swords targetlock temple timedblocks titlementioned tutorial undead underwaterdiving unlimitedlives xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Stories: The Path of Destinies Spearhead Games2016 actionadventure anthroprotagonist langbrazil-port multipleendings undefinedelements unrealengine4 labelminimizeminimize
Swordbreaker The Game  Sometimes You;Red Art Games (Sometimes You)2020 descriptivedeaths graphicdeaths interactivefiction menus multipleendings rating-pegi-12 labelimageminimize
Undertale Toby Fox2017 2010s 4thwallbroken amalgams anthropomorphicobjects antisavescumming antivillain bookends bossrush caprinoids childprotagonist combatmode communicator crowdfunded demo diaries earth eldritchabominations encountermode facelessprotagonist falseending fantasticearth gamemaker gameplayinn genderneutral ghosts gog homosexuals humansuperiority hybridgame jokeboss karma lesbians mercy monsters moralchoices multipleendings neutralmonsters no4thwall npcuiinteraction obscuredprotagonistdialog pacifism plantcreatures pointofnoreturn prejudice premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming recurringopponent secondaryantagonist shopping soularts souls steampowered undefinedelements uniqueprotagonist unknownpast unnecessarykilling virtualglitching labelminimizeminimize